

the Card of the Week 16R → 20
Bring your awareness to what you see in your mind instead of what you see with your physical eyes.
If you do that, what are there are brothers just crying for Love.
Please keep pouring love to your brothers with the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 3
Just look at God only.
Your entrenchment will give light to your brothers' sense of stagnation with no exit.
Please stay at your position ordered by the Holy Spirits.

Soul #2: 14R → 7
Even if it seems something happened, don't get involve in it.
Step away from your emotion raised by the incident, and look at it with the view of the Holy Spirits.
Then, your mind will calm down momentarily, and you will be able to get back your thoughts and deed appropriate as a child of God.

Soul #3: 17
Love is about to be showered on the world through you.
Leave to the Holy Spirits your anxiety wondering what happens after that, and just keep feeling your appreciation for God.

Soul #4: 10R → 11
Understand that your brothers feeling sad are you, too.
And, trust that they will get over with the sadness and move on just like you did,
The trust will be the proof that you chose the Holy Spirits and it will lead to expansion of Love.

Soul #5: 21
Even if it seems something is happening to the world, you shouldn't get involved in it.
You know that it is a dream you created to make yourself suffer, and the only thing you can do to step away is forgiving.
As you praise yourself who got matured, continue the work of God in a matter-of-fact way.

Soul #6: 2R → 12
There is no need to wonder what you can do for your suffering brothers.
If you r mind is calm, the world will choose calmness for sure.
Be careful not to get distracted by what is other than Love, don't pay attention to outer incidents too much, and stay quiet.

Soul #7: 13R → 4
You shouldn't get lost in your feelings facing woefulness of the world.
At a time like this, as a child of God, make your standing positon clear.
If you focus on forgiving and leaving everything you meet to the Holy Spirits, the world will get back its calmness in steps.

Soul #8: 18
Time of transformation of the world is time of "darkness" of human beings that has been hidden to be emerged.
Instead of being afraid of it, understand that it came out to return to light.
If you merely decide to welcome it with the Holy Spirits, the darkness will melt into light in a blink.

Soul #9: 5
The world is asking for your words.
Please keep taking what you need to talk to your brothers who love you.
You can share it with words or visions beyong words.
Please let Love of the Holy Spirits expands toward the world through you.

week card    16R→  20 :  あなたの肉の眼で見えるものではなく、心の眼で見えるものだけに意識を向けてください。

soul ①    3 :  ただ御父だけを見つめてください。

soul ②    14R→  7 :  たとえどのようなことが起こったかのように見えても、それに巻き込まれてはいけません。

soul ③    17 :  あなたを通して、世界に大いなる愛が注がれようとしています。

soul ④    10R→  11 :  悲しむ兄弟たちを見て、彼らもまた自分なのだと理解してください。 

soul ⑤    21 :  たとえ世界で何が起こっているかのように見えても、あなたはもはやそこに巻き込まれていません。  

soul ⑥    2R→  12 :  悲しむ兄弟たちにあなたが何が出来るのか、悩む必要はありません。
あなたの心が平穏であれば、世界は必ず平穏を選ぶようになります。   愛以外のものに心を奪われないように気をつけ、必要以上に外の出来事に注意を向けず静かに過ごしてください。           

soul ⑦    13R→  4 :   世界の悲惨さを目の当たりにして感情に溺れ、怒ったり悲しんだりしている時ではありません。

soul ⑧    18 :   世界が変容する時とは、言い換えるとそれまで隠されていた人類の「闇」が浮かび上がってくる時です。

soul ⑨    5 :   世界はあなたの言葉を求めています。





The Card of the Week: 4
Your consciousness of being a child of God is your right position.
As you always think of it, follow your only guides, the Holy Spirits, and keep walking in a matter-of-fact way.
It you are peaceful, share the peace with your brothers.
If not, admit that you are the cause of it, and keep forgiving it and leaving it to the Holy Spirits.

Soul #1: 16
You are progressing in the right way.
First, realize it, and thank yourself for coming this far.
At the same time, think of the fact that the Holy Spirits also thank you.  
If you accept the appreciation from the Holy Spirits with Joy, you will see the next stage.

Soul #2: 12
Even if you notice the distortion of the world, there is no need for you to correct it.
You should rather recognize that any distortion will be corrected by will of God, and look at it leisurely as you appreciate Him.
The trust and the peaceful mind will bring back the world to the right position.

Soul #3: 17
Take care of yourself up to yesterday.
What you give is what you receive, and who you give first is yourself in the past.
Keep giving until yourself at any point of the past is filled with happiness.

Soul #4: 20
It's time to get back the right self-love as a child of God that you have denied.
It is limitless abundance, talent and expanding Joy that are given by God when you were created.
If you sincerely wish to accept it, share the redemption with yourself in the past.
The more yourself in the past will be filled with light, the more you recognize that you are light.

Soul #5: 11
You already understood that every incident in the past is the opportunity of forgiveness for encouraging your awakening.
Please cerebrate yourself enormously, and devote its Joy to God.
With Love of God, the Joy will expand toward the world and encourage awakening of brothers gently.

Soul #6: 21R → 1
The old world is gone and the new world has started.
The bad dream with core of deficiency of the past disappeared by your tireless forgiveness and reselection.
If you realize that you are the one who invited the dream like Heaven filled with Joy and praise yourself, light will expand.

Soul #7: the Fool → 6
If you wish to be truely free, with a calm mind, you need to look at what you are attached to.
How you deal with your brothers who are crying for Love is the key to make it clear.
However, you don't have to blame on you even if you find it.
If you accept it as a simple mistake,forgive it and leave it to the Holy Spirits, the crying itself may disappear.

Soul #8: 8
This week will be a rare chance for your thoughts and the vibration of the world to unite.
What is the most importanto for making your future happy is your thoughts at this moment.
"Always thank God and view the world from there."
Just by doing so, you will be able to keep thinking with happiness.
The key is "never make exeption." lol

Soul #9: 10
The world will keep changing as ever.
On the other hand, you are learning to step away from the chaos and view the world in the joyful silence.
Praise such yourself immensely.
The blessing will expand toward your brothers who share time and space with.
And then, they will arrive to the same recognition.
Viva, #9s!   

week card    4 : 自分は神の子であるという自覚こそがあなたの正しい立ち位置です。

soul ①    16 :  あなたは正しく進んでいます。

soul ②    12 :  たとえ世界の歪みに気がついたとしても、あなたがそれを正そうとする必要はありません。

soul ③    17 : 昨日までのあなたを労ってあげてください。

soul ④    20 : あなたが否定してきた、神の子としての正しい自己愛を取り戻す時です。

soul ⑤    11 :  既にあなたは、これまでの全ての出来事が、あなたの目覚めを促すための赦しの機会であったことを理解しています。

soul ⑥    21R→  1 :  古い世界は過ぎ去り、新しい世界が始まっています。

soul ⑦  愚者R→  6 :  あなたが真に自由でありたいと願うなら、自分が何に執着しているのか冷静に見る必要があります。

soul ⑧    8 :   今週はあなたの思考とこの世界の波動が一致する希な機会となります。

soul ⑨    10 :  世界は相変わらず変動し続けていくでしょう。
この祝福はあなたと時空間を共にする兄弟たちへと拡張し、やがて彼らも同じ認識へ到達するでしょう。 ビバ・9番さん!




The Card of the Week: 11
Now, the world had changed greatly.
I bet people who realized that have started moving in blunt terms.
Anxiety and doubts with your new move is merely futile.
When you notice that, forgive it and leave it to the Holy Spirit without being emotional about it.
Even if you have noticed the change, it is OK.
If you just think that, "It is changing at an invisible level", you will be able to realize it within a week.

Soul #1: 21
Now, light has come.
Your concerns in the past is gone, and everything is filled with fresh radiance.
If you want to make it eternal, all you need is to thank God.
If you always thank Him, miracles will always rain on you.

Soul #2: 15
This week is the time to learn the emptiness of reality.
Speaking of material things, Everything you wish for will come true.
However, as soon as you get it, you will be wildered not knowing what to look for next.
At such moment, which one will you choose: this world/this illusion or Heave?
The destiny of the world will be determined by your decision.

Soul #3: 2R → 6
Does your path show the spark given by the Holy Spirits?
If your mind is calm and peaceful, and people around you are peaceful and filled by Joy, it means that you are walking the right path.
If not, you need to review your choice again.

Soul #4: 16R → 1
Let's go back to basic.
Your abundance will be promised by sharing the light given by God with your brothers as it is.
If you sense a resistance even after knowing it, it simply means that you have not healed yourself in the past who don't know it.
For your future, forgive yourself in the past thoroughly.

Soul #5: 5
If you want to live in your own way, you have to be careful with two different kinds of your inner voice.
One is your true voice. 
If you follow that voice, you will be cheerful and filled with interesting ideas.
In addition, you will notice yourself offering Joy to people around you.
Praise yourself walking with that voice merely!

Soul #6: 7R → 8
True abundance exsits inside of yourself, and you've never lost it.
Once you know that, you will understand that the only reason your brothers who upset you is because they don't know that they also have abuncance inside of them.
However, it is not your duty to tell them that verbally.
The only work for you is to be happy staying in Love of God.

Soul #7: 12R → 4
It is time to heal your qualty of #4: continue the same work ploddingly.
When you have a goal but things don't progress smoothly, you may be facing toward a direction different from the quality of #4.
If you feel uncomfortable with yourself now, look into that possibility.

Soul #8: 20R → 17
You need to admit that, in the past, you postponded to expand your happiness, in other words, Love of God, and contributed for nothing.
It may hurt your pride badly, but sometime such shock therapy is neccessary in your life.
If you accept that as just a mistake, you will be able to get over with it without a qualm.

Soul #9: 18R → 3
Finally, you are free from the problem that have troubled you for long time.
However, there still is a possibilty to have the same problem again.
To avoid that, devote yourself to creative works everyday.
Even if you don't know what to do specifically, once you decleare that, "This is a creative work!", it will be so.
For example, yes, how about spring cleaning? 

week card    11 :  今、世界は大きく変わりました。

soul ①    21 :  今、光が訪れました。

soul ②    15 :  今週は現実の虚しさを学習する時のようです。

soul ③    2R→  6 : あなたの歩む道は聖霊の示した徴(しるし)を現しているでしょうか?

soul ④    16R→  1 : さあ、基本に戻りましょう。

soul ⑤    5 :  あなたがあなたらしく生きるためには、あなたの内側にある「ふたつの声」に気をつけなければなりません。

soul ⑥    7R→  8 :   真なる豊かさはあなたの内にあり、それが失われたことなど一度もありません。

soul ⑦    12R→  4 :   あなたの内にある4の質、同じ仕事を絶え間なくコツコツと続けている性質を癒す時のようです。

soul ⑧    20R→  17 :   あなたの幸福、つまり御父の愛を拡張することを後回しにして、無に貢献してきた過去を認めなければなりません。

soul ⑨    18R→  3 :  あなたをずっと悩ませていた事からようやく解放されました。




The Card of the Week: 11R → 10
During this week, pay attention to "not to rush."
When you are urged to rush, stop once and ask yourself,"What is it for?"
If the answer is "To expand Love", go ahead and rush.
But, your mind is quiet when you expand Love. lol

Soul#1: 2
Always choose the Holy Spirits.
Even if you have doubts again and again, keep choosing the Holy Spirits each time.
By building up this lesson, you will be able to understand that anxiety never existed.

Soul #2: 12
You have already decided that, "As the Holy Spirit, I will share Love with my brothers."
Firstly, congratulate such yourself big time.
Then, as you reflect on your path so far and appreciate it, have a leisurely week.

Soul #3: the Fool → 13
In somewhere deep inside of you, a major change is about to happen.
Of course, you don't need to understand it since it is happening on unconsciousness level.
Just try not to go out too much and stay quiet for a while.

Soul #4: 4R → 7
You found out what your limit is by choosing wisdom of the Holy Spirits.
And then, you found out that it is "my limit" and not the limit of a child of God.
You also know that a child of God doesn't have a limit.
The next one to recognize is, "Then, who am I?"
Firstly, gently heal yourself who is wimped out trying to recognize that you are a child of God.
Viva, #4!!

Soul #5: 3R → 6
No matter what happens or what doesn't happen, you are definitely a child of God.
Even if it seems unrealistic, it is a solid fact.
Once you know it, you will be able to live your life focusing merely on what you like regardless what others (or world) say.
Viva, #5!

Soul #6: 9
During this week, many things to make you upset will happen agan.
Remember that the only purpose of the existence of the world is to give you "the best opportunity of forgiveness."
Even if the world doesn't change by forgiveness, you will be transformed to light for sure.
Isn't it enough?

Soul #7: 18R → 17
Until last week, you held your breath and went through deep and expansive darkness.
I bet you've noticed that the darkness was you and it turned back to light by loving yourself.
Stop your training and take care of yourself plentifully this week.  
How about starting with a cup of tea?

Soul #8: 16R → 21
It might seems that the situation is even more messy and it is even more difficult to resolve.
However, the world has been extremely messy sonce the beginning, and it is not asking for a resolution.
Once you understand it, you will back out from anything other than "Joy of God" easily.
That's the best contribution to the world you can do.

Soul #9: 15R → 8
God is rich and so is a child of God.
Even if you cannot believe it,"as an experiment", appreciate your own affluence without any ground.
See how your day changes when you start your day that way.
If you can, keep record of it.
Then, within a week, you will notice yourself shouting that, "It's the first good luck of this spring!"

week card    11R→ 10 :  今週は「急がないこと」に留意して過ごしてください。

soul ①    2 :  どんな時も聖霊を選び続けてください。

soul ②    12 :  既にあなたは、「自分は聖霊として兄弟へ愛を分かち合っていく」と決断されたのです。

soul ③    愚者R→  13 : あなたの内側の深いところで、大きな変化が起ころうとしています。

soul ④    4R→  7 :  聖霊の智識を選択することで、あなたは自分の限界が何であったのかを知りました。

soul ⑤    3R→  6 :  どんなことが起ころうと、あるいは起こらなくても、あなたは断固として神の子なのです。

soul ⑥    9 :   今週も世界はあなたを怒らせるようなことばかり起こすでしょう。

soul ⑦    18R→  17 :   先週まであなたは息を潜め深く広大な闇を通り抜けてきました。

soul ⑧    16R→  21 :   状況はますます混乱し、解決は今まで以上に困難になってきたかのように見えるかもしれません。

soul ⑨    15R→  8 :   神は豊かであり神の子もそうです。